I go to a lot of shows and I’ve seen hundreds of bands but every once in a while I see a band that makes me think “Holy Fucking shit!”,”Who are these guys?”, “This is fucking cool”, “What the hell is going on here?”
So it was with Ghostland Observatory.
I was at the Knitting Factory for a party called “Moveable Hype” showcasing up and coming bands for industry types and Brooklyn hipster kids. The party was excellent from the moment I walked in – Clap Your Hands and Say Yeah were finishing up their set in front of a packed house. I got a few pix as I worked my way through the crowd (see other review for CYHASY) but by the time I got to the front they were done. A bunch of people left but I started chatting with a friend and before I new it an emcee was introducing “Austin’s Best Band”, Ghostland Observatory.
The people who left were suckas - it was kick ass from the very beginning. G.O. is a two piece a singer/guitarist Aaron and a drummer / rhythm master Tom. Their sound isn’t easy to label but if you like Prince or Franz Ferdinand or LCD Soundsystem you’ll dig it. Every song was great - pulsating, future beats, southern soul vocals and twang guitar. Then just when I though it couldn’t get any better Aaron put down his guitar and danced through the final few songs. His dances were ill - some freaked out Texas, Robo, B-Boy funk shit. The crowd was dancing too, smiling and in general completely blown away. In NYC for a band that almost no one has heard of to get this reaction is almost impossible. I spoke briefly with the guys after the show and they seemed pleased with the response to their first NYC show.
I dragged some friends along with me to the show the next night at the Ace of Clubs – a rat infested dive in the heart of the Bowery (formerly Acme Underground) and the place was packed with fans screaming for Ghostland Observatory. One thing about NYC, if you suck you’ll know it immediately but if you kick ass you can become a gods overnight. Unfortunately I had some tech difficulty that night and there's no pix.
Bands like Ghostland Observatory make all the nights of sitting through crappy bands in dingy smoke filled rooms worthwhile. G.O. is the best new band I’ve seen since the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
Keep an eye out for these guys.
… by the way David Bowie was in the crowd at this show.
Ghostland Observatory on MySpace:
myspace.com/ghostlandobservatoryLabels: Ghostland Observatory
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